How do I book travel/hotel arrangements for my stay?
Hotel reservations in the Atlas room block are made from the hotel website. Click here to make a hotel reservation. Contact Atlas World Class Travel with questions about room reservations and travel assistance.
How do I cancel my registration?
Please email convention@atlasworldgroup.com for any cancellations.
Will additional meals be offered for dietary needs?
Vegan and vegetarian dishes will be provided at each meal. Please email convention@atlasworldgroup.com for this accommodation.
Where should I send pairing requests for the Golf Tournament?
Please send all pairing requests to convention@atlasworldgroup.com. If you do not provide a foursome, one will be assigned to you.
How do I register for the Golf Tournament if I would like to participate, but did not sign up during registration?
Please email convention@atlasworldgroup.com for any Golf Tournament registrations.
Who do I contact for changes to my registration?
Please email convention@atlasworldgroup.com for any changes to your registration.
I am interested in exhibiting at Convention. What is the process for attending?
New exhibitor requests must be vetted prior to approval. Please send any requests to convention@atlasworldgroup.com. Please allow 1-2 weeks for approval process.